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The Voodoo Queen of New Orleans

The Voodoo Queen of New Orleans, Marie Laveau, was not only a powerful healer and a hairdresser during her time in the 1800s, but she also introduced Catholic teachings and practices into the Voodoo religion that still persist today. Known for her compassion, Laveau would help any and all who came to her regardless of race and financial status. A popular tradition was started years ago that if you wanted Lavaeu to grant you a wish, you had to draw an X on her tomb, turn around three times, knock on her tomb, and yell out your wish, much to the frustration of the Archdiocese and Save Our Cemeteries. People have sworn that when they left offerings at Laveau’s tomb after having their wish granted, they could hear a woman whispering in their ears and had ghostly images show up in photos of her tomb.

Some believe Laveau materializes annually to lead the faithful in worship on St. John’s Eve. The ghost is always recognizable, they say, thanks to the knotted handkerchief she wears around her neck. A man once claimed to have been slapped by her while walking past her tomb. It is also said that Laveau’s former home at 1020 St. Ann Street is also among the French Quarter’s many haunted locales. Believers claim to have seen her spirit, accompanied by those of her followers, engaged in Voodoo ceremonies there.

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